Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Monday, July 23, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

六 Pair半

六pair半是香港商業電台在1970年代的13位最受歡迎的唱片騎師。他們曾代表著香港樂壇的一段光輝時刻,以及當代年青人的集體回憶。他們除了推出了一張同 名大碟以外,還主演過無綫電視的電視節目《愛情安哥》。這批人在成長後有不少都成為日後香港娛樂界獨當一面的人物。例如:俞琤成為了商業電台的執行董事、 湯正川和陳少寶後來都成為了唱片公司的高層、曾路得和盧業瑂都是香港知名的歌唱導師。即使是身故的鍾保羅,當年他在香港的主持人亦很有名聲。


1. 那一天–曾路得
2. 唱不完的故事–關西蒙
3. 冷雨–錢錢
4. 年青人–湯正川
5. 每當晚飯時–大AL
6. 搖擺樂–楊振耀
7. 為什麼–盧業瑂
8. 快樂時光–陳少寶、曾路得
9. 人在社會中–湯正川
10. 早晨!早晨!–俞琤
11. 賞心樂事–樂仕
12. 天各一方–曾路得

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


鐵塔凌雲 望不見歡欣人面
富士聳峙 聽不見遊人歡笑
自由神像 在遠方迷霧


俯首低望 何時何方何模樣
回音輕傳 此時此處此模樣
何須多見復多求 且唱一曲歸途上
此時此處此模樣 此模樣

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Up Til Now - Art Garfunkel


Garfunkel's single-CD album, Up 'Til Now, is a very peculiar compilation. It doesn't include any of his six Top 40 hits as a solo artist; in fact, it only includes two songs from his previous solo albums. It does include "The Breakup," and 1964's original all-acoustic version of "The Sound of Silence" before a folk-rock rhythm section was added to turn it into a hit. It also includes his theme song for the CBS-TV series "Brooklyn Bridge" and his lovely version of Hoagy Carmichael & Frank Loesser's "Two Sleepy People" for the soundtrack album of A League of Their Own. It's strictly MOR, but Garfunkel lends this much-maligned genre an elegance largely missing from the work of such MOR stars as Barry Manilow, Bette Midler, Harry Connick Jr., and Liza Minnelli. Those other singers strain to oversell their modest material, while Garfunkel has the good grace to understate his vocals and allow the frothy sentiments to float atop his purring melodies. And that makes all the difference.

1. Crying in the Rain - Art Garfunkel, James Taylor
2. All I Know
3. Just Over the Brooklyn Bridge
4. Sound of Silence
5. Breakup
6. Skywriter
7. Decree
8. It's All in the Game
9. One Less Holiday
10. Since I Don't Have You
11. Two Sleepy People
12. Why Worry
13. All My Love's Laughter

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Monday, July 9, 2007

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Monday, July 2, 2007